
Category Archives: Social Security Disability

I am celebrating 50 years of law practice and retiring June 30, 2024. To devote time to my existing clients, I am no longer accepting new cases.

Can You Be Fired While Out of Work on Temporary Disability?

In the three-week period following the realization that COVID-19 would have a major impact on American life, more than 16 million people filed for unemployment benefits, far exceeding any short-term job loss that this country has ever experienced. On top of this, certain workers are not eligible for unemployment for one reason or another, so […]

Social Security Disability May Be Harder To Get In Richmond, Virginia

As a lawyer, I have been representing Social Security Disability claimants for over 35 years. It used to be you had a 50-60% chance to win a disability hearing in Richmond, Virginia. However, recent statistics from Social Security indicate the success rate in Richmond has fallen to 30-40% for claimants. Perhaps, this is due to […]

Social Security Disability for a Mental Impairment

The basic test for disability for Social Security is the impairment must be so severe it renders the claimant incapable of working for more than 12 months. The problem I see with most people who call in with a mental impairment is they have a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or bi-polar. This type of diagnosis […]

Social Security Disability and the Impairments that Automatically Qualify for Disability

Certain impairments can result in immediate qualification for disability. There are some serious impairments that the Social Security Administration has deemed automatic qualifiers for disability. List of 88 Impairments. This number may seem big but these impairments tend to be rare disorders that only afflict a very few people. Some examples are acute leukemia, gallbladder […]

Social Security Disability & Your Doctor

For a claimant, the first step in a Social Security Disability Case should be a meeting with his/her doctor. Does the doctor support the claim for disability? If so, will the doctor write a letter supporting the claim? Does the doctor’s treatment records support the claim? For example, if the disability is based on chronic […]


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