
Richmond, Virginia Medical Care Denied After Workers Compensation Accident

Many call my firm with the following situation:

They have an award for lifetime medical coverage for an accident on the job. The award may be years old. Suddenly, the insurance company “cuts off” the medical care for the accident. The insurance company says there is no evidence the problem is still related to the accident. The people claim but I have a “lifetime medical award” for my back or other injured body part.

Even though the people are correct and there is a lifetime medical award, this does not “necessarily” that the current medical condition is covered by that award. This is especially the case if the doctor says the current problem is caused by arthritis settling in or by the aging process such as discs degenerating. In order for there to be ongoing coverage, the treating doctor must say the ongoing care is still related to the accident.

Even when the treating doctor says the ongoing care is related to the accident, there can  be a problem. The insurance company will have the claimant undergo a Defense Medical Exam. Often, the Defense Medical Exam will say the original accident has resolved and ongoing treatment is not necessary.

If this happens to you, then you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer about your situation.

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